Efficiency Analysis

The greatest negative effect on the profit of any business is inefficiency. That is why we created the Blackbird Efficiency Analysis. This service analyzes either your entire business or an aspect of your business that needs improvement. This in-depth process typically takes two to three weeks to complete. The first half of the engagement is spent with at least one of our analysts on-site examining all aspects of your business from IT to web design to marketing, examining how your sales process starts to the delivery of your product. Each phase of your business is evaluated throughly by asking your employees for suggestions for improvements (many cases employees have great ideas, but for whatever don’t tell their superiors about them) and our own observations and experience, as well as your upper management’s input. Our on-staff certified Project Management Professional organizes all of the information and ensures an on-time delivery of a document that specifically shows you step by step how to improve the efficiency of your organization. Because we understand that most businesses do not have endless capital, we prioritize our suggestions by those that will give you the most return for your money. Our difference simply stated is that instead of giving you general advice, we give you specific action items with a reasonable timetable of implementation.


Please contact us for more information or a customized quote.